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We are thrilled to announce our 2024 OTAC Conference Keynote Speaker, Chanda Hinton, disability healthcare advocate and founder of Chanda Center for Health!

"As a disability and healthcare advocate, Chanda can share a unique and dynamic perspective on the healthcare disparities that individuals with disabilities face and why creating awareness and change is essential. As a leader in the healthcare community and having her own personal experiences as a woman with a disability, Chanda can speak to how we are invited to see barriers as opportunities. Whether professionally or personally, getting innovative and sometimes even radical, we can develop models for impact. She can speak to the social determinants of health, how individuals with disabilities can advocate for equitable healthcare. Chanda's personal fight for herself and her community has allowed her to be a voice in the fight empowering others."

Click here to learn more about Chanda!

Keynote presentation: September 15th ,9:00-10:15am


OTAC is the Occupational Therapy Association of Colorado. It is a non-profit organization that strives to increase the quality of care and level of professionalism to the practice of OT in Colorado.

Have a feedback or need more help?                                    Email: info@otacco.org


Email: info@otacco.org 

9200 East Mineral Avenue

Suite 100

Centennial, CO 80112

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